Business News

Hinge match asks if 7-day office goer is ‘die-hard Narayan Murthy fan’ or red flag, leaves netizens angry

When India was busy refuting Infosys founder NR Narayana Murthy’s take on work-life balance and his suggestion of a 70-hour work week in corporates, a woman encountered an unusual match on dating app Hinge. 

The woman encountered a match who loves to go to office on 7 days of the week.

Referring to the man as a “red flag”, the woman wrote on LinkedIn: “I was talking to a potential lover from Hinge, and he proudly mentioned he enjoys going to office seven days a week – even though his company offers a hybrid work model.”

She further questioned that why would one even be willing to go to the office every day unless there is an office crush involved. The woman further went onto call this match a “die-hard Narayan Murthy fan”.

“Just to be sure he’s not getting distracted by the beauty around him. I asked him for a referral. And he said NO. What do you guys think? Am I overthinking this, or is he just a die-hard Narayan Murthy fan?” she said. 

She also shared a screenshot of her chat with the match. 

Source: LinkedIn/Janvi Bajaj

Needless to say, the woman’s take left social media users irate. Some users saying that the man loves his work and shouldn’t be labelled a red flag simply because of that. 

One user even went onto say that the comparison to the Infosys founder was uncalled for as this person simply loves his job. 

“Taking the screenshot into consideration and allowing myself to assume things like you did… He loves his work… A green flag and a lucky person whose work is something he does love. He can work all 7 days… Another green flag because his bosses are god-sent!  Office is more fun… Another green flag because his company is doing something right to make him come to the office and not despise it. He’s not a Narayan Murthy fan for sure. Because he wants to work out of his love for it and not just complete tasks for 70+ hrs as a duty,” a user wrote. 

“I am this person. Obviously, I don’t work seven days a week or I would go insane. But I love working in a functioning setup so offices are more convenient for me. Plus, I love interacting with my coworkers. The red flag here is his company making him work seven days a week,” a second user wrote. 

“Even I do prefer to work from office only. This makes us disciplined . Wrna ghar par rahkar to nahau bhi na me daily. And btw I would not say no if asked,” a third user wrote. 


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